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Certain medical conditions and/or medications may interfere with the your ability to have these services. It is your responsibility to ensure you are able to have these services done. If you show up to the appointment and we are unable to perform the service(s) due to your oversight, the appointment will be cancelled and you will lose any deposit paid. Below is a list of some of the contraindications that will affect eligibility. If you have any other health complications or diseases not listed below, please consult with your doctor to make sure these services are safe for you.




  • Are pregnant or breastfeeding (Lamination only. Tint and Wax is OK)

  • Are on any retinoids or using any exfoliants (must discontinue use for 7 days prior)

  • Have ANY sort of contagious/infectious condition or disorder

  • Are Diabetic (must bring doctor's clearance for permanent makeup)

  • Have Hepatitis

  • Have HIV/AIDS

  • Have Cancer (must be in remission for at least 12 months and bring doctor's clearance for permanent makeup)

  • Have Epilepsy

  • Have any autoimmune disorders

  • Have any circulatory disorders

  • Have any bleeding disorders

  • Have any viral infections and/or diseases

  • Are on any blood thinning medications/substances

  • Have open wounds, any skin irritations, including large cystic acne, serious bruising, etc. near the service area

  • Are taking Accutane

  • Have had recent laser facials, or chemical/acid peels near service area

  • Are sunburned on or near the service area

  • Have warts near service area

  • Have Eczema, Psoriasis, Dermatitis, Rosacea near the service area

  • Are prone to Keloid/hypertrophic scarring

  • Any treatment, medication, or illness that compromises the immune system/healing



  • Avoid extreme heat such as hot baths or showers, saunas and steam rooms for at least 24 hours.

  • Avoid swimming and sunbathing (including sunbeds or any exposure to UV light) for at least 24 hours.

  • Avoid exercise or anything that makes you sweat for at least 24 hours.

  • Do not apply any perfumed products to the area for 24 hours.

  • Avoid the use of make-up on the brow area for 24 hours.

  • No self-tanning products on the area for 24 hours.

  • Avoid the temptation to over touch the brow area after a treatment. 



  • Avoid using makeup and facial cleansers around the brow area for the following 24 hours. 

  • Avoid any water/sweat exposure for 24 hours.

  • Brush brows upward and outward daily and use aftercare oil nightly.

  • Avoid any makeup or skincare products that contain alcohol for 24 hours.

  • Avoid excessive rubbing/scrubbing brow area when washing face. 

  • Avoid the temptation to over touch the brow area after a treatment. 



  • Avoid using makeup and facial cleansers around the brow area for the following 24 hours. 

  • Avoid prolonged exposure to direct sunlight, the use of sunbeds, saunas, steam rooms and swimming pools for 24 hours. 

  • Avoid exfoliating and using anti-aging products around the brow area for at least two to three days prior to and post treatment. 

  • Avoid using any self-tanning products on the face for around two to three days either side of the treatment.

  • Avoid the temptation to over touch the brow area after a treatment. 

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