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Certain medical conditions and/or medications may interfere with the your ability to have this permanent makeup service. It is your responsibility to ensure you are able to have this service done. If you show up to the appointment and we are unable to perform the service due to your oversight, the appointment will be cancelled and you will lose any deposit paid. Below is a list of some of the contraindications that will affect eligibility. If you have any other health complications or diseases not listed below, please consult with your doctor to make sure permanent makeup is safe for you.


  • Are under 18 years old

  • Are pregnant or breastfeeding

  • Have Hepatitis

  • Have HIV/AIDS

  • Have Epilepsy

  • Have any autoimmune disorders

  • Have any circulatory disorders

  • Have any bleeding disorders

  • Have a pacemaker or major heart problems

  • Are on any blood thinning medications/substances

  • Are taking Accutane (must wait until 6 months after treatment ends)

  • Have warts near service area

  • Have a history of herpes/cold sores near the service area

  • Have Eczema, Psoriasis, Dermatitis, Rosacea near the service area

  • Are prone to Keloid/hypertrophic scarring

  • Are taking any treatment, medication, or illness that compromises the immune system/healing

  • Have ANY sort of transmissible/viral/contagious/infectious condition or disorder/disease.

  • Have Cancer (must be in remission for at least 12 months and bring doctor's clearance for permanent makeup)



(even if old or faded)

You must text or email CLEAR, EVENLY-LIT photos of the area to us and wait to get written approval BEFORE scheduling an appointment to ensure we are able to cover the existing work. Not all previous work can be covered.


***If you do not send photos of your previous tattoo work to us before booking an appointment as required, you are agreeing that your appointment may be cancelled on the spot and you will lose your non-refundable booking deposit***


Please send 3 photos: one front facing angle, and both side angle views of your face.


These photos will not be posted or shared anywhere, so please no makeup, selfie poses, filters, photo cropping, etc.


Any previous work by other artists will be considered a full cover-up/correction set for the first appointment. Touchups are for OUR existing clients only.



Certain activities should be avoided before and after your service while healing, so please review the information carefully and schedule your appointment date accordingly.


  • If you've had any surgical procedures done on the facial area, please wait at least 60 DAYS PRIOR to your appointment to make sure everything has fully healed and settled.

  • No invasive/chemical treatments, laser peels, chemical/acid peels, Botox, fillers or other injectables near service area 30 DAYS PRIOR to your service. Gentle/mild facials are okay.

  • If there are any open wounds, large cystic pimples, bruises, sunburns or any other skin irritations on the area; they must be completely healed before attending the scheduled appointment.


  • Discontinue any acid/retinol products like Glycolics, AHAs, BHAs, Retin-A or Retinol skincare products 14 days prior to your appointment.

  • AVOID sun and tanning 14 days prior to your appointment.


  • Do not wax, thread or tint your eyebrows 7 days prior to your appointment.


  • DO NOT take Aspirin, Fish Oil, Niacin, Vitamin E, Ibuprofen or any other blood thinning substance 24 hrs prior to your appointment. Tylenol is fine.

  • DO NOT consume any alcohol or caffeine beverages 24 hours prior to your appointment. This will prevent any excess bleeding, oozing, and minimizes swelling during the procedure.



  • Blot regularly with a clean tissue throughout the first day if it gets “juicy” (lymph fluids). You want to keep the area as dry as possible.

  • You may notice whiteness or a “halo” around the area right after your service, this is due to the numbing gel and is normal and will subside within a couple hours.

  • Redness, swelling, and a “sunburn-like” feeling is normal, just as with any other type of tattoo, and should subside by the following day.




  • Do not get your brows wet at all. Use a face wipe or wash cloth to "wash" your face and completely avoid the brow area.

  • If your brow area starts to feel oily/greasy throughout this 48 hour “no water” period, you can pat (not rub) them with a clean, damp (not soaked) tissue to help clean some of the oils off.


  • You may now gently wash your face morning and night. When washing your face, keep the washing/wet time very brief. The less time your brows are wet the better the healed results will be. Use a mild face soap such as Cetaphil (regular formula) and be very gentle with your brows. No rubbing, scrubbing, etc. while washing until they are totally done healing and all scabs have fallen off naturally. Pat dry - never rub. Do not get your brows wet at all until they are completed done healing and all scabs have fallen off, except when quickly and gently washing your face twice daily.

  • No water/swimming, no sweat, no makeup or products, no dirt, etc. on the area until they are totally done scabbing. Just keep them completely clean and dry.

  • When showering, keep your face out of the water during your shower.

  • Once brows start flaking/scabbing: Dry healing is best, so try not to use any ointment at all, but if they become too itchy you can use a very thin layer of the ointment given to you during this phase on your brows. Just keep in mind that the less ointment you use, the better the healed results will be, so try to limit this to only when absolutely necessary. Pat the area with a clean tissue after applying the ointment to clean off the excess and make sure it’s the thinnest layer possible.

  • Do NOT pick at the flakes/scabs no matter what! Let them fall off naturally. Picking/peeling them off will cause pigment loss.

  • For the first couple of days, brows will appear very thick, dark, bold, and may look uneven before/during the scabbing phase. 

  • You will go through three healing phases: Healing, Peeling and Fading. Once the brow area starts to scab and peel, do not pick or pull at the treated area as it will result in pigment loss. Once all scabs have fully fallen off completely and naturally, healed results should appear 10-30% lighter in color and 10-15% smaller in size from the initial.

  • No sun exposure until the brows are fully healed.

  • Healing time varies from approximately 1 to 2 weeks for most clients, but pigment is not "fully settled" until 4 weeks.

  • The pigment may look very light as the scabbing comes off, this is totally normal. The pigment should resurface and darken at approximately 3-4 weeks.

  • No facials, botox, chemical treatments, microdermabrasion, tanning for 30 days after your service.

  • Avoid rigorous exercise and sweat until they are completely done flaking/scabbing.

  • Avoid drinking alcohol in excess during the healing stages as it may lead to slow healing.

  • No sleeping on your face until they are completely done flaking/scabbing.

  • No topical makeup/any products on the area until they are completely done flaking/scabbing.

  • Your first session may heal very light and patchy. This is very common with many clients regardless of technique, skin type or aftercare. Everyone's skin accepts the pigment differently, and it is very common for many clients to require a touchup at 4 weeks to add another layer of pigment and to correct any patchy areas. After this first touchup, clients come back every 1-3 years for touchups to maintain the color.

  • Once completely healed, always apply a layer of sunscreen on your eyebrows when exposed to the sun as it may cause the color pigment to fade away more quickly.

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